Sunday 13 May 2007

Day Ten

Humphries and me

It was a beautiful day today; dry, with lots of sunny spells. It was quite cold as well though. Michele and I headed out to the horses in the morning, to make the most of the day. Cori and the mares were grazing in the near field and Humphries and JB were in the far end of the field. Humphries was lying down dozing when we walked up. He stayed lying down when I approached and I stroked his back and everything. I was really tempted to sit on his back, but I wasn't brave enough to try sitting on him with no tack, in the field, when he decided to get up. I think it is a good sign though, he must feel at home in the field to be so relaxed. I wish I had taken a photo of him, as he looked really really cute.
Humphries goes for a stroll around the arena

I led Humphries in from the field. He was excellent until I got to the stable, and then he barged right through me out the door. Michele was calling Cori and JB in from the field by shaking a bucket of horse nuts, and Humphries was distracted by this and didn't want to go back into the stable. It was a deciding moment for me. Should I give up and wave my arms in the air, blubbering like a baby, until Michele came into the yard to help me - or should I keep calm and get Humphries into the stable. It was a challenge, but I stepped up to it and managed to get Humphries into the stable - and keep him in this time!
JB grazing in the field

Michele then took in Cori and JB. They led in together beautifully. JB was groomed, fed and left back into the field. Cori was groomed and tacked up to be ridden. He gave trouble at first when Michele started to ride him - spooking and head shaking - but then he did some lovely work. Michele had to work hard, pressing all the right buttons, to produce good results.

Michele riding Cori...

... in trot...

... around the arena

After Michele was finished riding Cori, I took Humphries into the arena. He stood looking at the horses in the field for a little while, then marched purposefully around on the outside track, before coming over to see what Michele and I were up to. I put him back into the field after that. Michele washed Cori's tail after riding him, and it was in an even worse state than Humphries'. When she was finished, Cori looked fantastic, and she led him out to the field. He was a bit stroppy at the gate, so she did some leading with him to get him back under control. Things seemed to have settled down nicely in the herd, as all the horses were spread out in their grazing and seemed very content. JB came up to the gate to say hi when Cori was put back into the field.

His tail is so clean, it sparkles


Anonymous said...

Horses sound like a lot of hard work - and scarey too at times!

That was great, the way you dealt with Humphries - well done! :)

Inkpot said...

Hi Anon. Yes, horses are alot of work and can be very scary at times! That is all part of the fun.

Anonymous said...

wow - that was brill - more more more