Sunday 6 May 2007

The Herd

The horses live in a stable herd of five - two geldings and three mares. At the moment, there are also two donkeys out in the field with them.

Although he is the second youngest horse in the herd, J.B is a natural leader with his calm, authoritative air and his suave good looks. The mares love him. He has managed to control Cori's aggressive behaviour and he generally keeps things running in a friendly, orderly fashion.


Cori is second in command (although Sky as lead mare out ranks him) and J.B's right hand horse, as well as his best friend. If there is any heavy duty work to be done - like chasing, kicking, and generally running around madly - Cori will do it for J.B. His natural tendencies are to fight, but J.B has given him the strong leadership that he needs so he can relax and let someone else take care of things.


Sky is the lead mare of the herd and responsible for keeping the other mares in order. She is top over all the other horses, except J.B. She was used to being in charge of things before the geldings arrived, but she gladly let J.B take charge and is more relaxed now that she doesn't have to lead the whole herd.

Megan is Sky's best friend. She is low down in the herd, but because of Sky, she is allowed privileges above her station. She often operates as Sky's right hand horse, doing any heavy work that needs to be done. She also sneaks in and takes food from all the horses when they are being fed.


The youngest member of the herd, Cheyanna has a lot to learn about horse etiquette. She doesn't have a pair bond and is often out on her own. Every few months she plays up and challenges the other horses, running madly around and having fun.

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